The single biggest behavioral influence of the last 10 years has been internet pornography. No matter what your situation, you’re reacting to it. Whether it’s panning a movie because the tits and ass are suddenly an inexcusable plot device for a horrid screenplay or distancing yourself from the weird guy who cannot see a woman without mentioning that he wants to “fuck her in the ass.”

It’s everywhere and it’s hard to imagine what pornographers haven’t tried. Three cocks in one woman’s mouth is pushing the limits of not just ideas, but physics itself. DVDA, thankfully, appears to be impossible yet it has its own entry on the open source Encyclopedia, Wikipedia as if it’s the holy grail of xxx.

In a free market of currency and ideas, it’s impossible to make an argument for exploitation. Don’t mention Eastern Europe’s sex slaves because they are not in this discussion. In Soviet America, some women make insane money with their bodies. More power to them.

Pornography itself is neither bad nor good. There’s nothing wrong with thought experiments, fantasy or playing out a scenario in your mind. Pornography follows a bell curve. It is beneficial up to a certain point then it starts to mess with your ability to be a functional social creature. There’s only so much you’re going to learn from a xxx site and, after that, all further involvement is a complete waste of time.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure who will heed my warning.

The most the mainstream media will say about porn is that it has “no effect” or “it’s good for you.” The media position is indeed peculiar. They seem to be way too cool with pornography to the point that it starts to sound like advocacy. Leeches can be good for you as well. Stick too many of them on your body, however, and you’ll get sick and/or run fatally low on blood. The media companies in Soviet America also own xxx studio properties. They have a vested interest in making you believe that porn consumption is a great thing.

The other side of the argument doesn’t help. Fundamentalist types will blare about the sin of Onan as if a 6000 year old admonition against masturbation means anything today. The tale of Onan was to keep people from wiping out their village from fucking tree bark. Moisture and blood breed disease. Religions are interested in psychological control. When you are fantasizing about sex, that’s pretty close to as unbridled as your mind will become without being clinically insane. People who can expand their minds without sex as the primary topic are typically understood to be “geniuses.” Odds are, you aren’t a genius. Religions have a strong interest in being completely against pornography for a lot of reasons. Perhaps the most important is that stable individuals with their hearts in the right place benefit everyone in the group. Religion is the least worrisome of all players in the American porn debate.

The most worrisome is Uncle Sam. The government wants to crack down on the really nasty porn but politicians don’t stop at reason. A good example of government involvement going horribly wrong is mandatory sentencing guidelines that have created a prison population of 1.2 million people. Between letting the bukake fanboys post their garbage or allowing the government to crack down on these twisted weirdos, I would rather have the weirdos allowed to participate in their… community? Whatever. Consenting adults can decide whatever they want in peace. The government should stay out of regulating porn. Every time the government can grab an inch of your life, they will take a mile. Luckily, Soviet America’s government is self-interested and severely fragmented. Between managing 300 million people or letting 66% trip themselves out on some kind of vice, they’ll let the vice fly. People who enjoy vice become politically inert. Whether you pay today or you pay tomorrow, vice will cut your proverbial political balls off. Ask Clinton.

The future holds a lot of people that are going to completely wig out on porn. Today is really just the beginning. Broadband is taking hold in homes across the country. The people that own the fiber lines are owned by the media companies that own the porn studios. Your tastes in sex could very well be similar to the executives of Time Warner because you could be browsing sites owned by their smaller subsidiaries. Because huge media players are involved, it’s unlikely that government will intervene except to concentrate the power of the big holding companies.

In terms of the 10 years of internet porn, I’m probably the equivalent of a retired… gun-slinger? Whatever. I’m not going to tell you that xxx movies are bad but the disadvantages definitely outweigh the advantages long before the top of the bell curve. When you get to the top, you’ll know it. It’s time to stop at that point. If you’re saying, “Chris, I’ll never get bored with porn”, just consider the interests of major players in society.

It’s highly unlikely that your interests are compatible with their interests—provided that you’re even aware of your long-term interests, of course. It might require a major change in your view of yourself and the world around you. Today is as good a day as any to start figuring this stuff out.

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