–Editors can now publish.
–Modify bug eliminated.
–Renamed sections from Administrator, Moderator, Members to Editor-in-Chief, Senior Editors, Readers.
–Modified the masthead.
–Created forum graphic for the front page.

I still have to alter the masthead some more. I'll also add code for SEs to add a main image to their article. Uploading images will have to operate on a separate page. That would be insanely difficult to merge into this forum code. A page already exists from the old setup but it's late and I'll care tomorrow. Along those lines, I also want to have article images load in the forum if the image field is not empty. I also want to create a dynamic FAQ to truly match Cyberista's needs instead of standard, static one that we have right now.

The Wise Words Australia PR newswire has a story on the Cyberista revamp. There I go talking smack again. Funny stuff. Down with blogs! woo-WOO!

Laws are for people with no friends.

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