[small][b]Melanie Falkowitz wrote:[/b][/small]
I just want all of these brainwashed "W" lovers to snap out of their haze and realize the vulnerability of this country due to the liars that administer our country. The Bush administration are the terrorists. Next time we want to blame someone for terrorism then maybe we need not look any further than D.C.[/i]

It's interesting that you lay the "terrorist" tag on the administration because the original meaning of "terrorist" referred to the government during the French Revolution. The Committee for Public Safety was controlled by Jacobin which made extensive use of beheading men that "did not want to be free." Needless to say, the government's use of terror for their political objectives gave them the intellectual class of "terrorist" providing practical applications of terrorism in statecraft.

Basically, terrorism was originally thought of as something that could only be done by a highly organized group such as government. Now, terrorism is carried out by small, disgruntled, loosely organized groups or individuals. While words can change their definition over time, it doesn't happen dramatically unless it's in some group's interest to do so. That group doesn't have to be government. The Intelligent Design (creationist) crowd has become quite good at changing definitions of words in incredibly short time spans. The entire political spectrum does it, from compassionate conservatives to social liberals. The terms "liberal" and "conservative" have done the equivalent of a magnetic pole shift since the Civil War. The terms mean something different in the legal realm. The terms retain their original meaning within economics but you'll never hear Lou Dobbs say that he's proud to be a liberal. Milton Friedman, thankfully, digs people about the definitions whether they understand what he's talking about or not.

So if you blame the government for being terrorists then you're retro. Retro is cool.

Laws are for people with no friends.

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