Since Cyberista began in February, the format has been simple:

The editor writes the editorials. The columnists write the columns.

That’s fine when there are only two writers and the editor because in such a small group, the opinions of current events are likely to be very similar. As the group of regular columnists grows, the editorial section must reflect the majority opinion of contributors and not simply one person.

From this point on, all editorials are signed by Cyberista. This will give the magazine the flexibility to issue multiple opinions daily because the editor can assign shorter pieces and not be the sole perspective.

Issues such as race riots in Cincinnati, occupation in Palestine and every other issue with national or international impact can be written by the best person for the job.

All editorials written to date and signed by Chris Uzal will be moved to the Columns section. The column name will be under “Real Politik.”

This new policy will erase the danger of editorials becoming a “cult of personality.”

Thank you for reading Cyberista.

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