According to the Israeli government, Thursday’s attack at LAX on the El Al Airlines ticket counter that left two people dead was, in fact, a terrorist attack. They are correct.

American investigators have declined to label the tragedy as a terrorist attack because it wasn’t one. They are also correct.

When Hesham Mohamed Hadayet opened fire on the El Al Airlines ticket counter, he demonstrated that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that his anger and his terroristic tendencies were aimed solely at Israel.

LAX is a big place with almost a million people per day passing through. Hadayet clearly came ready and able to end a lot of lives at once. Hadayet certainly knew that El Al would have cold-blooded soldiers standing guard. Hadayet had to have known that he wouldn’t survive any confrontation with Israeli guards.

That’s why Israel is correct in identifying terror. The American perspective, however, is much different.

LAX is a big place with almost a million people per day passing through. Hadayet clearly came ready and able to end a lot of lives at once. Hadayet certainly knew that most ticket counters have no security at all. Hadayet had to have known that he would have a better chance to survive and claim more lives by attacking United or Delta.

The July 4th attack at LAX against El Al Airlines is strictly an Israeli issue. Hayadet is one of nearly 2 billion Muslims that hate Israel.

The reasons for the hate are straightforward: In 1949, Zionist aliens walked into Palestine, stole a lot of land and got away with it. Israel is a lightning rod for a great deal of animosity.

Because Hayadet was a moron, he chose July 4th so that the Israeli Ministry of Truth would have no difficulty spinning this story into an “Attack on America” for the Fox Jews Network.

Now, because someone attacked the property of a dagger-shaped theocracy that represents less than 1/100th of global population, everyone may have to endure another maddening level of airport security. Only Israeli security firms have the experience to deserve those contracts.

You can’t help but wonder if Hayadat worked for Mossad.

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