The mission is Complete World Domination (TM). Using only a rabbit and a hat and a bat and a 64 Impala, Cyberista seeks to instigate regime change for anyone that so much as breathes the wrong way within 12,000 miles of us. We support the rapid deployment of 100,000 nuclear reactors within 10 years as part of our “No Atom Left Behind” initiative. We advocate the construction of a giant plexiglass bubble to encase the continental United States as the centerpiece of a Missile Defense Shield. Cyberista promotes the colonization of the solar system and the development of the Asteroid Belt into affordable, low-rent housing so the poor can have a stake in the new Frontier of Freedom (TM).

Our viewpoint is a Libertarian viewpoint. It is a philosophy that government should fight wars, that armies should rebuild nations, that cultures completely alien to our own should desire (by force if necessary) a McDonald's in their neighborhood and that people should kill anyone that gets in the way. Gays, blacks, mulattos, charlies and the disabled are unacceptable burdens to society… unless someone in our Supreme Command (TM) either “is one” or is “affected” by one. In those rare instances, we will display all the compassion, understanding and enlightenment we can muster until people stop paying attention again.

Bottom line: We feel that all people should harness the vast powers of greed, avarice and pride to send all Freedom Loving People (TM) into a Whole New Direction (TM).

Thank you for taking the time to visit Cyberista.

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