Now is the perfect time to do what should have been done years ago–abolish the United States Postal Service.

Examine your mail. Junk and bills. More junk. More bills.

The junk is almost always consumeristic garbage. Get your free Chia Pet with the purchase of 10 pounds of OxyClean. Order 15 astronaut pizzas by rush delivery and we’ll send you a 1/14 scale model of the official Jeff Gordon NASCAR monster truck.

Or the junk is political garbage. The NRA believes that if you can’t put a round through a suspected terrorist, your neighborhood cannot protect its precious children. At Earth First, we send you absolutely useless crap all the time but we do it on recycled paper. Return this postage paid Evergreen Memorial card and we’ll send you a genuine Apache lapel–made by real Indians from Africa. Keep the “Amnesty International hates Easter Island cannibals” bumper sticker as our gift to you.

Last week, the US House failed a bill that would make all airport security a Federal operation. The Republican argument was that it would make an unnecessary increase in the size of the Federal government and would repeat a service that can be performed very well in the private sector. The solution to airport security is stronger standards, not Federal intrusion. Certainly not the government screwing up the security market by taking a position in it.

Now, what Federal organization is an unnecessary bloat in the government that performs a service that is already performed exceptionally well–at lower cost–than the United States Postal Service? Where government must be concerned about labor and tenure before paying to have your mail scanned for biological or chemical agents, the private sector has no obsolete labor traditions to observe. The safety of mail can be budgeted faster and easier in a private delivery company than in a government service that is far past usefulness.

Almost a quarter of a million jobs have been lost since 9/11. Doubling that number through Post Office abolition really won’t make a difference. The market will absorb almost all of the layoffs through a significant increase in private sector workload of mail delivery.

Pay your bills through the net. If you don’t have a computer with an Internet connection, suffer the Darwinian consequence. You could live by moving into the 21st century or you could die from anthrax. The choice is yours.

Urge your Congressman and Senator to abolish the United States Postal Service today.

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