It’s probably best for the country that George Bush likes to avoid work by hanging out in Crawford, Texas. It would be better for the country if he disavowed public speaking.

On a day when the media decides that the best quote from the President was “Over my dead body” in reference to the Democrats’ attempts to roll back the tax cut, the real gem came from his attempt to create an analogy between microbiology and the war on terror.

In a speech to Oregon workers, Mr. Bush declared terrorism to be, “Like a parasite.” He went on to correctly describe how parasites find a host and try to weaken it from the inside. Bush added that “Those parasites” found a host in Afghanistan.

For a fleeting moment, we thought that Dubya would successfully complete a proper analogy and prove to the world that he did not waste his lifetime of privilege at Andover and Yale and Harvard.

Then the other shoe dropped.

“We weakened that host. The Taliban is no longer in power.”

We’re going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that Dubya did not really mean to associate the U.S. armed forces with the position that he meant to give to al-Queda.

Our president is a very special kind of person and deserves a special kind of understanding.

He’s … special.

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