Saddam is as bad as Al Qaeda. Dubya said so.

Saddam is as evil as Al Qaeda. Dubya said so.

Saddam is as destructive as Al Qaeda. Once again, Dubya said so.

In fact, his exact words—unedited from the White House transcripts for your pleasure(or pain)– were, “The war on terror, you can’t distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror. And so it’s a comparison that is — I can’t make because I can’t distinguish between the two, because they’re both equally as bad, and equally as evil, and equally as destructive.”

The remarks came at a press conference with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

You will have to forgive our innocent observations but whatever Saddam does to his own people, he doesn’t do it to the U$. It is unlikely that he would try. Dictators can be easily deterred and reasonably contained. Fundamentalist Islam is diametrically opposed to everything Saddam symbolizes. He kills fundamentalists. Saddam wants his palaces, his roller coasters, his cars, his whores and his power intact.

Al Qaeda, on the other hand, doesn’t give a damn. They have no nation to lose and people are lining up to join them. The elusive Usama bin Laden has stated so many times that he intends to destroy the dictatorial oil regimes of the Persian Gulf that only illiteracy combined with deafness would excuse ignorance about the motives of the real threat of Al Qaeda. Saddam is one of those dictatorial types. Iraq is one of those regimes.

Saddam didn’t slam airliners into the World Trade Center. Saddam didn’t send the Boeing logo through the E Ring of the Pentagon. Saddam didn’t send an explosive motorboat into a US Destroyer in Yemen. Saddam didn’t blow up two US embassies in Africa. Saddam didn’t blow up the first WTC bomb in 1993.

Al Qaeda did all of that. Those acts give the titles of “bad”, “evil” and “destructive” exclusively to Mr. bin Laden’s organization.

To equate Saddam with Al Qaeda is an abdication of Dubya’s constitutional responsibility to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Letting Al Qaeda slide and spouting contrived nonsense about Saddam puts the United States ever closer to the event horizon of irreversible destruction. Bush’s mouth keeps writing checks that the U$ can’t cash.

It’s bad enough that citizens must endure daily fear-mongering from the office of Homeland Security and that all dissenters, including Senate Majority Leader Daschle, get branded by the Oval Office of Fatherland Security but now Bush has TRIVIALIZED the seriousness of the long term threat of terrorism by equating an organization dedicated to unconditional destruction with a nation that can be dealt with through innumerable channels.

There is a difference.

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