The United States of America, the great example of justice, freedom, and human rights has unleashed its fury upon a nation that has not yet even began to recover from a devasting invasion by the Soviet Union in the mid 1980s.

Afghanistan has no infrastructure, its people live in poverty, and we have decided that they are a threat to world security. The people responsible for the horrible attack on September 11 must be brought to justice but holding a nation responsible for the work of individual radicals is asinine.

Afghanistan is a nation– a group of people sharing a common interest, striving everyday to make their lives better, hoping every morning they will be able to wake up and put food into their empty stomachs. Who are we to destroy a nation?

George W. Bush will assert that the Taliban is a major force in Afganistan and as a known terrorist group they must be dealt with accordingly.

This is a doomed day, we are doing excatly what bin Laden and every other radical fundamentalist would want us to do, we are proving ourselves as the evil empire. We are legitimizing the Taliban’s claim that the United States is an arrogant imperial demon.

God bless America but do not exploit God’s name in the same way Taliban would. –NU

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