As if there aren't enough unenforceable laws on the books, Wisconsin's Governor proposed to apply their 5% sales tax to internet downloads. The tax is voluntary.

Nice idea. See “Boston Tea Party” in your nearest Encyclopedia for details on how American views on taxation formed. Any voluntary tax is a Trojan Horse so the system can pile on the charges when you are accused of breaking the law.

Driving without insurance? The state just discovered that you download (WARNING: Hyperbole Ahead!) 20 gigabytes of pornography every night. While your porn habit is legal, the state just valued your delinquent taxes at $579, 621.28. Pay up, mofo.

If you resist, they'll toss around other charges like “conspiracy of one”, “interference with a messenger pigeon” and “soliciting with extraterrestrial beings.” All are punishable offenses in Soviet America.

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