Showing either profound corruption, profound stupidity or both, Swiss voters agreed to allow their country to become a full member of the United Nations General Assembly.

The margin was razor-thin at 54.6%. Only 58 percent of voters found their way out of bed to vote their country out of isolationism. 92 percent of those who were not in bed and still not voting were shooting heroin.

Switzerland’s admission to the United Nations General Assembly makes it the last state besides the Vatican to have a voice in complaints against the United States.

It has long been known that because the U.N. claims to serve everyone, they serve no one. The admission of the Swiss just makes it official. The United Nations has developed into a bureaucratic quagmire of groupthinking cheese tasters and an anti U.S. soapbox for the charlatans of Europe, the clones of China and the despotic tyrants of the Third World.

That’s not to say that we have a blind love for the United States. We don’t. But we really hate watching the stinking pot of the General Assembly calling the kettle of the United States black and knowing that our tax dollars are going to this crap.

Switzerland’s admission to the General Assembly is particularly confusing because of their two centuries old policy of isolationism and neutrality. As we clearly stated above, the United Nations is anything but neutral. The Swiss already have positions on United Nations human rights commissions and other relatively non political bodies within the U.N.

The Swiss already pay $100 million a year for their low key role in U.N. affairs. Isolationism allows them to deal with anyone and everyone regardless of any ridiculous economic sanctions coming out of any U.N. resolution. The Swiss already have cooperation agreements with the European Union and NATO. The Swiss had all the benefits and none of the responsibilities of being in the international community.

Their membership in the U.N. is foolish. We demand a recount.

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