Legislative maneuvering, or lack thereof, of the anti-terrorism bill in the US Congress demonstrates that the democracy, the Republic and even the concept of oligarchy is no longer valid in the United States of America. Given the powers and provisions of the anti-terrorism bill, along with the suppression of congressional dissent, the United States is on the fast track to becoming the enemy they so fear–a despotic, fundamentalist police state.

On Friday, the House of Representatives passed the Administration-backed anti-terrorism bill on a 337-79 vote. The bill was rammed through the 435 member House without amendments or meaningful debate. A few voices cried foul but those voices were effectively suppressed by the Republican House leadership.

A bill without amendments or debate is either perfect or tyrannical. Government has a far greater chance of being tyrannical long before it’s perfect. This anti-terrorism bill was rushed in the name of necessity and as a service to spineless, fearful politicians who need to appease the rancid, ignorant and irrational bloodthirsty constituents. This angry mob that the Republicans feed off of tend to believe that their own moral integrity is so high that a police state cannot possibly hurt them. A police state can only hurt criminal foreigners that need a good hurting.

Let’s take a look at this “perfect” anti-terrorism bill:

  • “Knowingly” harboring a terrorist is now illegal.
  • Law Enforcement is now authorized to do “roving wiretaps.” Such warrants would grant the power to follow suspects through all forms of communication(i.e. landline, cellular, email, chat, newsgroups).
  • Law Enforcement agencies will be “allowed” to share information with intelligence agencies.
  • Allow the FBI and Federal prosecutors to obtain blanket subpoenas to Internet service providers in the tracking of email transmissions by suspected terrorists.

  • And everyone’s favorite provision of the new perfect anti-terrorism bill…

  • Indict suspected terrorists with “secret” grand jury evidence.

  • The first provision against “knowingly” harboring terrorists will have the nasty side-effect of the US Government tacitly endorsing discrimination against Arab-Americans. After all, any one of them could be a terrorist and the government likes to make their accusations stick against investigation targets. Why risk hiring an Arab? Too much trouble. Thanks to this little permission, civil rights has taken a step backwards.

    Roving wiretap was inevitable before September 11th. Law Enforcement has wanted this ability since the dawn of the PC. It was only a matter of time before they finally received it. That day is near.

    The fact that agencies need to be granted permission to share information is solid evidence that agencies are bought and sold by different interests. Agency turf is a time honored game that Europe could never afford to do. A fragmented government can exist only when protected by solid borders or giant oceans. We never had solid borders and our giant oceans have been proven to be an obsolete barrier.

    Blanket subpoena power is nothing but trouble.

    All of these provisions by themselves might be tolerable to the 90% that supports the actions of the Bush Administration. Support doesn’t necessarily equate to moral, ethical or legal justification. In their blind support, Americans will likely not be very happy when they or someone they know is a suspected terrorist by virtue of “secret” grand jury evidence.

    The difference between the House and Senate versions of the anti-terrorism bill is that the House excluded money laundering in the overall package of fighting terror. This is amusing. It implicitly says that terrorists aren’t the only gentlemen that need money laundering ability. Politicians, businessmen and the Mafia need money laundering also. Taking a harder line against it would be shooting themselves in the proverbial foot.

    The Senate claims they will not pass the bill without provisions against money laundering but that’s a big pile of crap. The anti-terrorism bill is being rammed just as hard through the Senate as it was in the House.

    No amendments. No debate. Bush is in charge.

    When Bush announced to all nations that, “you’re either with us or against us”, he had more than rogue nations in mind. He also meant American citizens. Anti-war is quickly becoming associated with anti-American. If you are found to be anti-war, if you are found without your American flag and “God bless America” bumper sticker, if you are found to question the inherent danger of a nation of donkey riders then watch out.

    You might soon find yourself to be the target of a terrorist investigation.

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