A man set himself on fire in front of the White House today. He apparently survived according to various reports. Now there will be no mistake that our 52 year old political activist is an assclown of the highest order. What is the point of immolation in front of the White House? Setting yourself on fire is, at best, an unreliable method of suicide. For Christ's sake, man, take a cue from the Palestinians and strap yourself with dynamite. If it works, you don't need to explain your side of the story. If it doesn't work, you're still an assclown but you get to keep yourself in good condition for an eventual second attempt. Actually, forget what I wrote about immolation being unreliable. Immolation is awesome. If you have a political grudge eating your insides out, by all means, set yourself aflame. More people should light themselves on fire. Just remember that if you light somebody else on fire, you might not gain the support you want for your cause. People will call you irrational. Always start with yourself first.

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