As Cappellini pointed out in Can't always get what you want…, this election isn't about Bush., it's about whether or not Americans enjoy this kind of government.

If Americans are a bunch of bloody fascists, that doesn't automatically make Bush a fascist. The Bush campaign did what every campaign is supposed to do: stick their finger in the wind and go with it. They talked about Iraq the entire time because that's essentially the only issue that the voters care about. Americans like giving somebody the beatdown and that happens to be Iraqi at the moment. Running our military around the planet seems to give people comfort and confidence. It boils down to a quote from my good friend Roger:

“That dude ain't wishy-washy about a motherfucking thing.” And it's true. Americans don't trust anything that smacks of “wishy-washy”. They'd rather take Saddam.

These guys are on a mission. Every administration is on some kind of mission. Getting to the top means breaking some skulls along the way. The difference here is that the Bush Administration doesn't pretend to be “kinder and gentler.” I suspect that Bush wants it that way.

Knowing our opinion of the “rancid masses”, we can only hope that Bush goes back to giving everybody the finger. Everybody is safer that way… except for anybody “against us.”

America is a republic, not a democracy. I'm thankful for that at the moment.

Laws are for people with no friends.

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