Saddam needs Bush to stay in power. Bush needs Saddam to stay in power. Energy executives, particularly Enron, need both of them to stay in power.

It’s a tryst made in hell.

Saddam, like Bush, needs a ruthless and brutal enemy to keep people distracted from throwing his worthless ass to the wolves. For Bush, it helps that his ruthless and brutal enemy is a good family friend and not a real villain like Lex Luthor or Magneto. Enron executives need them both.

And long as Iraq lives under containment, they sit on a huge reserve of oil that keeps prices at least 30% higher than they should be. Enron, an energy trading company, needs the market to be nice and profitable. From Bush, they will cash in the contributions they made to his campaign so they can pull the Texaco maneuver.

In 1987, Texaco went bankrupt to the tune of $33 billion. The company had a heavy burden of pensions held by their workers. The easiest way to get that money was to go bankrupt and revive as a pension free company.

It will be interesting to watch Bush help a company as vile and corrupt as Enron while spinning his way to Cesar-like status with help of his good buddy, Saddam.

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