Pull out the tin-foil hats, ladies and gentlemen. This northeast power outage has Rove & Cheney Productions written all over it.

They’ve learned a lot since raping California.

California’s power fiasco was too amateurish and almost got the Administration in over their heads. The objective was to hurt California for not upgrading to nuclear energy—a safer and more reliable source of power. Instead, they had their fingerprints all over the place and reinforced California’s general hatred of Washington.

Now, there will be no mistakes.

The whole Northeastern region is shut down. After the sun drops below the horizon, crime will begin in earnest. The media dirtbags are ready to rock with their script about how depending on Niagara is stupid in our “post-9/11” world. A few of the usual pseudo-extremists will bark about how Canada allows terrorists to enter the country. A few will call for a carpet bombing of our northern neighbor.

As the dust settles, we’ll come to the golden realization that we are vulnerable and nuclear power is the only safe way to protect our grid. Solar, wind and hydro are simply not equipped to deal with Al Qaeda.

Must… resist… urge… to buy… shiny new nuclear power plant.

If this debacle isn’t terrorism, it sure is reinvigorating the idea pool.

So stop trying to figure anything out. Just put your tin-foil hat on and hope that you don’t suffer any more dain bramage.

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