Slobodan Milosevic, former president of the former Yugoslavia, faces charges of war crimes at the United Nation International Court of Justice.

He will be the first head of state to face punishment for waging war as a leader of his country.

Without a doubt, Milosevic is a dirtbag. He instigated terror during his 13 years of power. He killed his own citizens based on their ethnicity (read: language). Milosevic is responsible for an awful lot of brutal behavior.

NATO, however, is worse.

Whether or not the West was protecting drugs or oil is unknown. The only sure reasons for NATO’s unprovoked 78 day bombing action is that 1) it wasn’t for “peace” or anything resembling peace and 2) the motive was money.

How Milosevic could be any worse than any other head of state, up to and including former President George H. Bush? Power corrupts and people in power do stupid things in their state of megalomania.

While Bush went out of his way to seek exotic people and kill them, Milosevic stayed home and killed familiar people. His war didn’t spill into Western Europe or into the East. Milosevic is a civil matter to be dealt with by the states formerly known as Yugoslavia, not the International Court of Justice.

The ICJ is comprised of 14 judges selected by the UN Security Council. The ICJ Prosecutor is selected by the UN Security Council. Everyone’s job depends on the UN Security Council. Whatever the US wants becomes the result of UN Security Council action.

While no country is required to send indicted persons to the ICJ, the states of the former Yugoslavia are compelled to send their sheep to the slaughter because such actions are tied to international aid. The only reason that international aid is even necessary for these states is because the international donors bombed the region into the Stone Age.

Today, Milosevic is expected to appear before the court alone. He will make a public statement. The judges have already put the word out that if they don’t agree with what Milosevic says, they will silence him and release a transcript later.

At least they aren’t pretending to seek credibility.

The charges are laughable. Not for their subject matter but rather the hypocrisy of the charges that the West has issued: deportation, a crime against humanity; murder, a crime against humanity; murder, a violation of the laws or customs of war; and persecutions on political, racial and religious grounds, a crime against humanity.

What, if anything, is not a crime against humanity?

What, if anything, is a sovereign nation protected from with the existence of the UN?

The UN cannot possibly execute Justice because they can’t execute logic. They have no constituency. Nobody pledges allegiance to the UN and therefore nobody can be punished by the UN.

“Security Council” and NATO bombing into a civil war is the very height of megalomaniac illusions of power held by the Esperanto-speaking, cheese-tasting, humanitarian-killing-in-the-name-of, anti-democratic, anti-justice, anti-sovereign, Davosian elite punks.

Milosevic should rot in jail and then in Hell but the United Nations is not the organization with the right to make that happen.

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