Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat is fighting to die. The Palestinian leadership won't let go until the burial in Jerusalem is granted by Israel. Unfortunately, there's a time limit on a dead person before the lie no longer works. Arafat has been dead for the last week. The official line is that Arafat has a brain hemorrhage.

Arafat made a career out of _being_ a brain hemorrhage.

If there ever was a time when Arafat was a true hero of the Palestinians, he hasn't been one in a very long time. As burial negotiations close and the mourning period begins, prepare for complete nonsense like “Arafat suffered with his people”, among other trolls.

Arafat did no suffering whatsoever. Arafat has money. Arafat never slummed it up over a dysfunctional kitchen crawling with rats and maggots. Arafat never stood in the way of Israeli tanks. Arafat was never bold enough to place himself in the line of sight of Israeli gunships. Yasser Arafat was a coward in the face of hardline, aging Palestinian terrorists and, because of that, he has sunk the Palestinian people deeper into despair. For all their excessive retaliation, Israel is still the _only_ country in the Middle East that allows the Palestinians to earn a decent living. Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and the rest of those dirtbags want nothing to do with Palestinians. They use them as pawns for their hatred of Israel. If Israel disappeared tomorrow, the Palestinians would quickly follow the Jewish state into extinction.

The Palestinians are stronger than Arafat. The Palestinians are smarter than resorting to suicide bombing. Now that Arafat is down for the count, Palestinians need to wrestle control away from hardliners that understand only violence as a solution. Arafat will take no infidels with him. That's really no surprise.

Burn in hell, Arafat.

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