With AG Ashcroft clearly tired of being the personification of childhood morality tales like “the boy who cried terrorist”, the Justice Department has simply issued a blanket warning to citizens to guard against “possible terrorist acts” for an indefinite period of time.

Anytime, anywhere. Big brother really has no clue so just watch yourself.

Of course, such honesty from government will never happen. Prior to September 11th, bureaucrats had trouble tracking their mouse cursor. Now they want you to believe that they can successfully track delusional sociopaths who have already proven that they have thoroughly blended into the country.

The governor of California, Gray Davis, has demonstrated that politicians are just as dishonorable today as they were prior to 9/11. Practicing for president by scaring the piss out of people is not amusing in the least. AG Ashcroft is seemingly afraid to say that he has as much intelligence as he had on September 10th. Honesty is unacceptable and bad publicity is bad for a political career so he’ll just tell you to hide the children while he will hides from the press.

And last but certainly not least, President Bush is extremely worried that the bioterror fears are being washed away by the golden cow of apathy. If that happens, everyone will realize that he’s a proven thief, a Muppet for big oil and a suspected idiot. How do you stop apathy?

Start talking about suitcase nukes. That will buy some time to come up with yet another thing for Americans to fear. Anything to keep the poll numbers up.

American politicians are now worse than they ever were because they undeservedly have respect from the people.

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