Major-league baseball plans to cut two teams at the beginning of the next season. The underlying ideas behind the cuts are that there are more teams than players. The presence of 30 teams dilutes though quality of the league as a whole. Low quality players will find their way into a job causing that game to suck more than it already does.

Unfortunately for this country, baseball was declared “Not a business” in 1922 because it was not considered to be interstate commerce. That means tax exemptions. That means antitrust exemptions. For almost 80 years, Congress has shown that they are truly the opposite of progress by staging dramatic displays of threatening to remove the antitrust exemption so they could win the vote of intellectuals and philosophically true capitalists.

The result of their unique exemption has created a living laboratory to remind everyone why we need a free-market to dictate prices and force bad businesses to either be evolve or die. In a free market, the invisible hand would have destroyed baseball in the 1970′s but because baseball is a cartel, baseball will stay alive as long as they have Congress in their pocket and millionaire owners willing to throw good money at bad business.

Cyberista has a hypothesis: baseball sucks and would never survive true market conditions. To test the hypothesis, congress needs to overturn the antitrust exemption. The national pastime is a national joke and goes against their national pride of a free-market economy.

Economic Darwinism is waiting. Don’t stop at cutting just two teams. Abolish baseball today.

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