Most of the Internet chat lines are filled with inane junk. Cyberista often promotes cycles on such wastelands like AOL and Yahoo. A necessary evil but one that is repetitive to the point where attention isn’t really required.

That was until today.

In addition to putting your mail in the microwave(doesn’t work) and of burning your junk mail in a metal garbage can(excellent idea), the recent anthrax scares are now being touted to strengthen drug policy.

Through the concept of deterrence, the US government can end drug abuse by dispensing propaganda that cocaine is laced with anthrax. Where such a rumor would be dismissed by even the dumbest 10% prior to 9/11, these days, people are much more accepting of whatever politicians have to say. Anthrax in cocaine, even as propaganda, would stop even the most hardcore drug users.

This theory has problems on the individual and institutional levels. On the individual level, “anthrax as barrier” to drug use completely ignores the psychology of drug use. People sniff floor paint if it floats their boat. People would drink liquid nitrogen if they could get away with it twice. People do whatever they want to do. If cocaine has anthrax, just take some cipro–guaranteed 3 more weeks of cocaine partying.

On the institutional level, the theory assumes that a) the US government doesn’t want people rendered politically inert through substance abuse and b) that drug cartels would let their products become contaminated.

Terror, prostitution, BW manufacture and other vices are financed through drug money. There’s no way that cocaine or any other drug will ever be contaminated by any biological weapons. Whether it’s Holland, Columbia, India or Afghanistan, even illicit drug producers know that they need a top quality product to keep their customers.

Without any shelf life on cocaine like the shelf life of food or mail, cocaine will never be contaminated with anything. Without any desire to micromanage 300 million US citizens, drugs will be heavily protected by all interests. Drugs are, after all, the best and most humane form of political subjugation.

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