What's with this guy? On every single question, Bush seemed to respond with “It all starts with education.”

Healthcare? Education.

Out-sourcing? Education.

Minimum wage? Education.

Education? The War on Terror.

The President's most lucid remarks came on the issues of immigration and border security. We should start distinguishing who crosses our border. Mexicans and Mayas have a threat level near absolute zero. We should give them a better status and be done with harassing them for being good capitalists. I'm not sure that Kerry proposal shoot them in the eye with a laser is useful for creating a smarter immigration policy.

The President's most ridiculous remarks came while he was discussing law enforcement. This is a man that executed a retarded person. There's not much left to say on the issue in light of that. Join the army of compassion.

As for the rest of the debate, Bush had nothing to say and dodged every single question. While the philosophy he talks about is appealing, his actions show nothing in relation to that philosophy. I can't vote for a guy that sent my friends into harm's way for bogus reasons. I refuse to believe that Afghanistan was anything more than restoring the global heroin industry. Cutting military pay in one breath while paying homage to the soldiers in the next is an example of my definition of “flip-flopper.” Actually, scratch that. It's an example of either being passive aggressive or not in control.

Stem cell research is one of few places where some discovery is waiting to get me out of this wheelchair. If the government doesn't do it, who will? The market? Damn the market. The market wants lose inches on their stomachs and add some to their cocks. The market wants to sell more wheelchairs and related disability items. The market wants nothing to do with me or anybody like me because there's not enough volume. Only a government scientist, or a government funded scientist, will solve the truly tragic diseases that the market can't make money from. I don't want to swallow pills from the Bush pharmaceutical contributors. I want to solve the problem. That means repairing and rebuilding the nervous system. The only way to do that is to create the cells through stem cells.

The embryos for this research comes from fertility clinics, not abortion clinics. Bush can get my vote if I get a rational answer to the following question: If these embryos are used to create life and they are going to be destroyed anyway, why can't they be used to save lives?

Or am I worth more to the typical neocon stock portfolio by staying disabled?

Until then, I'll be voting for Kerry. Voting against Bush is just a side-effect.

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