It didn't matter what Bush said or how badly he said it. The first debate fallout was decided days ago.

Rove and his band of baby-eaters weren't going to let the president lose their jobs. They gave Bush a set of talking points and planned their spin control around those talking points. Reality and the facts would not get in the way.

Kerry dominated the debate. He was informed, articulate and incisive. Bush was scared, clueless and mumbling.

We'd say Bush was amusing except that he's in charge and responsible for destroying America's credibility throughout the world. Bush spends money like a drunken sailor and, combined with his glorified tax cut, El Presidente has bankrupted the future. He never won the first time and he doesn't deserve another four years.

Republicans, specifically neoconservatives, need to give themselves a reality check. Bush is not a good leader. If Bush represents neoconservatism then this brand of politics is populated with zombies for followers and heartless ideologues for leaders.

If youl don't know what a baby-eater is, just ask the mothers of fallen soldiers. Only baby-eaters can send other people's children to war over oil and tell them it's about fighting terrorism. This administration eats babies and we're going to keep pounding that message until election day.

If you have a job in the administration or directly connected to the administration, keep going with your support for Bush. As Ralph Nader said earlier, "Republicans are people too." However, if you aren't connected to the administration, it's time to reflect and take a dose of intellectual honesty:

Your president is a menace to humanity.

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