The media, despite attacks on the institution itself, spins the bioterror story into something that finds a new category of information generally known as “misinformation.”

Anthrax deployment technology is over 50 years old and was perfected–not merely “developed”–in the sacred land of Uncle Sham. Not satisfied with being able to destroy the world several times over in the fires of nuclear hell, the US Biowarfare Program wanted cheap and “humane” weapons of mass destruction.

Just in case you missed a key point in the above paragraph: anthrax deployment technology was perfected 50 years ago.

That’s before transistors, before mainframes, before supercomputers, before personal computers. The US made biological weapons by harvesting germs and viri inside of ordinary USDA approved eggs.

By the time Vietnam began, the US understood how to manufacture these weapons by the vat. Our government understood deployment as accurate as 10 miles above the ground and developed computational formulas to figure out the necessary quantities needed for a given area under given weather conditions.

If such cheap and deadly weapons technology existed 50 years ago, you can rest assured that anyone who has ever wanted the information, has it.

Anthrax isn’t the worst bioweapon. Anthrax is the beginning. Here are several other equally deadly–or more so– “poor man’s” bombs:

  • Tularemia
  • Encephalitis
  • Botulinum
  • Q Fever

  • And the mother of all bioweapons…

  • Smallpox

  • God help us all if smallpox is used against the United States as a weapon. It is sturdy like anthrax, requires less quantities to trigger infection, is quickly fatal and virtually undetectable until it is too late. Smallpox is passed through the air or touch. The virus can survive outside of a host for several days.

    It’s a disturbing trend that the media and public officials would like to make the anthrax scare look like an amateur job. Like nuclear bombs, the US tested its weapons on US soil. Unlike nuclear bombs, the US tested these weapons on US citizens in US cities.

    The government is fully aware of how easy it is to develop and deploy biological weapons. The only person in the dark is you.

    Whoever is doing this is no amateur–this person has a plan and the knowledge to carry it out.

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