The quote of the day definitely belongs to Robert Knight of the Culture and Family Institute:

“The American people saw what began as a way to be nice to gay people turn into a runaway express train toward so-called gay marriage, and they’re saying, ‘Halt, let’s rethink this,”‘ Knight said. “I don’t think the polls and the general discontent with the drumbeat of homosexual propaganda has been missed by the White House.”

Be nice to gay people? Runaway express train? So-called gay marriage? People saying “halt” to indicate their discontent? Homosexual propaganda has a drumbeat?

WTF is this dude talking about?

It’s hard to understand why people get upset about gay marriage. Mr. Knight makes it look like the future of humanity is doomed if we don’t chain these fudge-packers to the back of a fast moving pickup truck.

While we prefer the League of Super-Hos at and all women that aspire to be Super-Hos, we’re certainly not going to persecute people for wanting to make a lifelong commitment to one another.

Besides, marriage is overrated. Canada has legalized gay marriage and that’s a good thing since all Canadians are gay. Especially French Canadians.

Of course, there’s something more sinister at work than a dozen high profile conservatives blathering about what people do privately and amongst themselves. The real problem was yesterday’s major embarrassment of the Bush Administration trying to create a futures market in death and tragedy.

So remember, boys and girls, the next time you are in trouble, just scream about those damn fudge-packers taking advantage of people just trying to be nice to them.

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