The first biological attack struck Palm Beach County, FL. Two men, same office, no naturally occurring anthrax in Florida and no case of anthrax in 25 years.

Government response? Mumble, mumble, mumble. Dispense idiotic rhetoric about “broad coalitions” between local, state and Federal agencies. Mumble, mumble, mumble. Dispense propaganda about this being unrelated to any terror networks. Mumble, mumble, mumble. Face a couple of questions about obvious inconsistencies in their statements. Mumble and run away from the microphones.

Palm Beach County Government officials have a serious problem with concepts like “truth” and “logical consistency.” The same county that gives us the “Anthrax? No problem!” response also gave us George W. Bush as our President.

Ladies and gentlemen, anthrax is not an accident. Neither is anthrax something that disgruntled summer interns–as the current spin says–send to their former patrons. Anthrax is a poor man’s bomb. Sturdy spores find their way to a hospitable host once anthrax is introduced to the environment.

Most Americans are cynical enough to tolerate government–especially a banana republic like Palm Beach County–to deliver botched election results and remain ignorant of the sprawling criminal element that operates between the nearly-dead elderly but a line must be drawn. No American should tolerate the outright disinformation coming from the South Florida anthrax investigation.

For several days, the official line was foul play. Now, the official line is “we can’t speculate.” Maybe they don’t have the capacity to speculate. West Palm, after all, is an intellectual vacuum. The fact that even bacteria could survive there is surprising.

West Palm Beach should be left to the fate it deserves if an asteroid flies straight at the city. May the god of the Big Rock flatten the place.

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