I corrected a bug regarding "Anonymous Retard." The forum wasn't allowing anonymous replies because of a mistake in defining variables when nobody is logged in. Maybe your eyes just glazed over from that one but, if you're reading this section, you must be interested in what happens behind the scenes, right? At least to some degree anyway.

My friend David "World Controller" Slonim discovered the bug on Friday. Busy weekend. I fixed it 10 minutes ago.

Now you can be anonymously retarded with impunity.

Not sure what else there is to patch. I want to improve the forum statistics function so I'll probably get to that later today. While getting the articles to return a count value was simple, getting a better "last post" stat will require more focus than I'm willing to give at the moment. Java has some really annoying character specifications. Yet another reason why I might write my own forum code.

I might trash the Resources section in favor of a more focused approach using "The Main Office" section of the forum. As it stands, Resources has a lot of bullshit and dead links in it. The best case scenario has the resource section moved into the main office. People like it. Being in the forum would allow readers to alert us to dead links. Unfortunately, I have to assume that I'm going to be the one doing this so the possibility of completely dumping it is more realistic. Along the lines of my idea, I've added a "Public Transcripts" forum subsection. I think that can be very useful for sifting through the Sunday morning talk shows as well as landmark events like the debates. Transcripts are more useful than link farms by orders of magnitude. I think our average reader will appreciate it.

Speaking of readers…

Building the readership back up is going to be a challenge. 2003 is a very quiet year. Cyberista paid the price for some of my personal decisions (i.e. girlfriend, Buddhism… I've still got Buddhism :p ) and magazine decisions which I won't list publicly. Suffice it to say: if I kept everything free flowing and kept the agendas out, Cyberista would have been invited to _both_ presidential conventions. That's the goal for 2008.

Laws are for people with no friends.

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